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A No to Violence

Vather God
or creeping A.i.d.s. .

The Formula ⌖ is: The problems are in our deactive body; they are also called voices.
The (c. (✶)) is nucleboid!. Your № 1. This is ended ℑ (imaginär).
Or Who ∨ What? ⤑ Nothing is enough. ↫. This existed ✗.
Log in to the super Shredder! ░ ¶.

My present to you is the last word I did, shown above. I want that every human is lucky. You can read this word and I hope you get also so lucky as Me! I wish everybody a good life and much saign. (I was smoking a cigarette, and I hope every smoker has his relaxiation.)

My life on this website ends here; see the word above and every letter here speaks my wisdom and knowledge for everybody. See in your soul and feel what it is to have god. My present 2 to you is the knowledge that this is the word or that you know now what this is there behind. In my thoughts and I wish you luck for your whole life. A funny world also. I say thank you to all my fans and mobbers out there! I thank also the media senders and every body else. Thanks and have a great Day.

Prof. Dr. Bayer