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Philosophy Articles:


Psychology articles; the poetry; my love medicine - stress, risk, time.
Tragedy: Psychology articles; the poetry; my love medicine of the disease: manic hebephrenia.
Psychology articles; the poetry; my love medicine - stress/risk/x.
Psychology articles; the poetry; my love medicine - stress/risk/timezone.
Psychology articles; the poesy; my love medicine - stress, risk, timex.
Psychology articles; the poesy; my love medicine - stress, risk, drugs.

  • Wer und/oder was bin ich, mit meiner Begabung? Ein Lebensmittel.

  • Wer und/oder was bin ich, und meine Begabung? Ich bin: "ich bin die Liebe".

  • Wer oder was bin ich und meine Talente? Eine 5.

  • Wer oder Was bin ich? Die Menschliche Mondkuh.

  • Wer oder was bin ich? Das ist die bessere Welt

  • Wer oder was bin ich? Ich bin alles «was mich Begleitet».

  • Who and/or what am I; with Ability? heal.

  • Who and/or what am I, and my talent? I am: "I am love".

  • Who and/or what am I and my Ability? No company (-website).

  • Who and/or what am I and the Ability? .?

  • Who and/or what am I, and my ability? A blockade.

  • Who and/or what am I, and my talent? I am: «I am love».

  • Who and/or what am i; with my ability? The gift of the Fantacy.

  • Who and / or what am I, with my ability? I'm, I'm: "the Love";.

  • Who or what ?: Serpma.

  • Who or what? Leila, status ability.

  • Wer /oder/ was bin ich? Bin ich nicht Mensch.

Philosophy and work eater.
The end is of "all" is Jester,
and I LOVE: ***.
Attention: Höhle !!

94 IQ is Jeses Christ..
Active Collecting. (collect Sensation)
The Word of Words: Boar.
It is 11:25 am on December 5, 2020: Effeff.

your, Genium
and your, Messenger