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The Soul. The Sentence: Where can I find my peace? Sibex accepted !!! I HAVE the coolest life in the world and I am Pompeii. Ability: The Automatic Money Hub (#HP). Finito. Ended with: NIX. Without lifting a finger; in fantasy. My health is very good in my test, I have a strong religious belief, my own handwriting, (body inject) X3.

Ability Proof: I am not using Speach, Structures and Images in my thoughts, not at all. And a lifestyle medicine for a better life worth living. / Touring Test; Randomness; TIME. LANGUAGE.

Host (my name) says: The Answer is 666 . The Spirit and his Formula: Get the love pill! In form of this website and texts. Also you can read the music article here. This solves problems and your inner desires, little problems or wishes. This texts can change your life. So: get Nudy.

Where would I get my knowledge from if everything is in a computer? Do you have internet? If so, why isn't it built into your head yet? Because it doesn't provide information (messaged) as quickly as the head! So what do I know about? Literature. So but what are thoughts? They are exactly the things the computer can't do. All right?

Who am I? You are a goer; (A spontaneous goer). You adapt quickly, no matter where life takes you. // My IQ is mirped. Logicer doubler. Visual a number. My IQ is 95.666 . The 94 IQ. Unhealable, intellligent, 3 dimensional, dynamic, deadly, resistent. Problem: TSX, ID5. The parable is to "die". 86 VQ is nothing, that is a new prime number. The problematic of infinite Earths; read further.

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What am I - (is me)? A f*cked fart called humankind. Rebel under the dictate of god and love, or funny joke, am I maybe nothing is that here an answer?? Who are we, and what are we not? Maybe Frankenstein. We are lesser than a dollar note? Joking garbage? WE I say HERE are God loved,.

Here we go including 950 Articles, 50 hours reading time and the Methusalem Project 4 and 70.000 hours html editing. Have fun and not hate me, I am Lofo.

I have a vision, all people and animals are free. That is endless and an utopia. But the humanity is not ending now. No one on the planet knows the day that is X - without our earth. Here isn't the Apocalypse.

Magic Number F10 -- How much is nothing? (Who or//and what am I, with ability?). Do you want to hear a joke: I can't even afford to die.

Best regards.

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